Green Schools

Although we're not an entrant we are keen to support our local schools in their annual endeavors to achieve Green School Flags.

Green-Schools is Ireland͛'s leading environmental management and award programme, working with primary and secondary schools across the country.

St Stephen's National School

2022 Travel Flag

Thanks to the dedicated work of Ms. McGarry and the Green School’s Committee the school also came 1st overall in the ‘Walking Challenge.

'St. Stephen's N.S. Green Flag Committee has been working hard to achieve its fourth green flag. Having already earned the Litter and Waste, Water, and Energy flags we were delighted to raise the Travel flag on the 25th of May 2022. 

Over the past two years, we have been encouraging the school community to travel in green ways when possible.  Students were asked to walk, cycle, scoot, carpool, or park and stride and they did so with great success.  



It was a whole school community effort and made a positive difference to our local environment.  We look forward to getting started on our Biodiversity flag over the coming year.' 

Ms. McGarry, May 2022

'Walk On Wednesdays' (W.O.W Day)

This year St Stephens are working towards the fourth Green Schools flag, the travel flag.

The School has asked every child who can to take part in our W.O.W. days (Walk on Wednesdays). The great news is they can walk, cycle or scoot to school.

Wednesday the 24th of November will be the official launch of the school‘s very first W.O.W day. Throughout the year they want every Wednesday to be a W.O.W. day.

The children are working together to make the school a greener school.

Travel Safely!

The Green School Committee, Nov 2021

St Mary's Special School

2022 Biodiversity Flag

May 2022

Coláiste Na Mí

'Well done to all involved in the Green Schools programme and ensuring that Coláiste na Mí achieved green flag status. Yesterday our TY horticulture class raised the flag for the 1st time. It was a very proud day for the school as the raising of our 1st green flag recognises the positive work and determination put in to ensure a greener school for all. 

A huge congratulations to Iníon O’Donnell and to all our TY students involved for driving this forward. 

We look forward to further work being done in this area in the years ahead.'

📷 Coláiste Na Mí May 26th, 2022