6 Tidiness and Litter Control
Not only is this section about not seeing litter strewn on the ground, it's about having well-presented homes, shop fronts, and businesses. The absence of anything that doesn't add to the best presentation of the neighbourhood.
Our Goals
2019 to 2022/23
Expand each section to read more.
Competition Guide Notes:
TIDINESS: General lack of clutter, blocked footpaths, redundant poles, unsightly overhead electric cables, absence of graffiti and fly-posting and evidence of control of weed growth at kerbs. Absence of unsightly and or inappropriate advertising, such as that on gables of buildings and mass produced advertising banners in shop fronts. Please note that although general tidiness is evaluated and marked in this category, tidiness is also considered under other categories including the Streetscape & Public Places, Approach Roads, Streets & Lanes.
LITTER: The adjudicator will assess the absence of litter and dumping, evidence of litter control strategy, including regular litter patrols, segregation of collected litter during clean-ups and promotion of anti-litter awareness throughout community.
- Blocked footpaths
2022 & 23
Investigate another Tree Branch Removal Project for pavements.
Bollards installed outside Johnstown Shopping Centre, Metges Road, to prevent delivery vehicles blocking the paths. ✔️
Shopping centre management and Meath County Council contacted regarding delivery vehicles parking over cycle path and blocking visibility of zebra crossing.✔️
Overhanging tree branches trimmed where they obstruct pedestrians✔️
2. Street Signs / Redundant poles
Implement survey to establish general state of cleanliness of street signs.
survey to identify all signs requiring repair / removal for submission to MCC.
Street signs cleaned near the Johnstown Shopping Centre ✔️
Several pavement signs repaired where they had been forcibly turned. ✔️
Repeat request for the Bothar Sion National Development Plan sign to be removed.✔️
Repeat request for the vandalized bridge signs be replaced. ✔️
Requested bridge construction sponsorship sign removed from Bothar Sion ✔️
Overhead electric power cables and related poles removed from north Metges Road ✔️
3. Graffiti
Obtain non environmentally harmful cleaner kits with reusable cloth.
Removal of Graffiti carried out May
Bothar Sion electric box opposite Athlumney Abbey ✔️
Dublin Road electric box opposite St Martha's Bridge ✔️
Street Signs at St Martha's Bridge ✔️
Minor offences removed from lamp posts and Street signs using a non environmentally harmful wipe kit. ✔️
Purge of Street signage graffiti ✔️
Carried out an audit of our community to identify all areas with graffiti that were then removed thanks to a grant from Meath County Council. ✔️
4. Fly posters
Implemented a general election plastic poster free zone. ✔️
Maintained ban on short term plastic posters ✔️
5. Weed control
2022 & 23
Engage with estates to pilot weedkiller-free maintenance of pavements and roadside edges. ✔️
Survey estates to identify where chemicals are being used and why. ✔️
Seek Funding for Machine assistance ✔️
Implement Stop Weedkiller Action Project and host weekly clean to the Green Km area to maintain Johnstown's public roads as being chemical weed killer free ✔️
6. Advertising boards
2022 & 23
Monitor any street advertising to ensure removal after reasonable time. ✔️
Concerns raised over the number of plastic signs used by estate agents ✔️
Monitor any street advertising to ensure removal after reasonable time.
Engage with Athlumney Centre and Former Gym to enhance appearance.
6. Fly tipping
2022 & 23
Maintain vigilance to prevent hotspots appearing.
Report that public bins contain household garbage.
Engage with residents groups to notify us of any flytipping of household garbage , MCC litter warden notified.
7. Litter Control
2022 & 23
Identify causes and locations to more rapidly implement a clean up response.
Colaiste Na Mi Students entered the Rubbish Film Festival and were awarded joint winner (May).✔️
Noticeable difference in the absence of litter on of our main roads, especially the Bailis Downs fence line wildflowers that were specifically retained over winter to catch litter. ✔️
Promote and raise awareness of 'Leave no Waste' and nowaste.ie✔️
Request new bus stops to have waste bins.✔️
Promote collections and raise awareness of health hazard✔️
Promote responsible dog ownership and poo bag disposal. ✔️
Maintain existing dog poo bag dispensers at People's Park✔️
Identify and target litter hotspots✔️
Engage with resident groups to assist with estate clean ups on a rolling schedule ✔️
Request bus stops to have public waste bins ✔️
Promote responcible packaging to raise awareness of waste. ✔️
Support shopping centre in tackling cigarette butt removal ✔️
8. Litter Patrols
2022 & 23
Re engage Estate Visits to increase membership and encourage ownership
Promote Clean Up Days
Reconfirmed membership of Meath County Council Green Km Initiative to Bothar Sion, Metges Road and School Approach Road ✔️
Joined Meath County Council Green Km Initiative to Bothar Sion, Metges Road and School Approach Road ✔️
Volunteers to conduct regular litterpicks individually in their own public areas. ✔️
Continue weekend group meet and increase regular litter picks to main roads to 3 times a week.✔️
Support Old Johnstown Village Community Group to maintain floral display, leaf sweep, and litter control ✔️
9. Waste separation
2022 & 23
Investigate potential for Johnstown Shopping Centre to host segregated waste bins
Investigate potential for Johnstown Shopping Centre to host segregated waste banks in the car park.
Purchase handheld litter pick hoops to assist with waste segregation ✔️
Trial handheld litter bag holder device that enables litter to be segregate by collector ✔️
Segregate collected litter: Compostables, Recycleable, Landfill ✔️