Johnstown has more than its fair share of peak-time traffic but it's also a town-wide issue caused in part by the wide distribution of our many schools and our preference for car use.
Within 'Our Goals' section we have a number of Transport Initiatives to improve how we make better use of our resources. Here we highlight projects that aim to support these.
Parents will be very familiar with the Johnstown morning traffic congestion. With the school campus having +1,500 students it's not a surprise to anyone that the one-way in and out system does not suit car journeys. The 2km tailback to the Kentstown Rd has been with us for a few years now and it's set to get worse with the forthcoming Farganstown residential development, 1,600 new homes.
The alternatives are fairly obvious but we need help to make them happen.
Bus Routes
2021 saw the introduction of a revised local bus route and several new wheelchair-accessible stops appearing in Johnstown.
We aim to pilot the bus stop planting to enhance the whole experience.
We now have 6 sets of stops along Metges Road and Bothar Sion.
N1 and N2 Bus Stops Completed.
Meath County Council announce that 53 new wheelchair-accessible bus stops and refurbishment work to 13 existing bus stops within the town has also been completed.
On Your Bike 2024
Not long to go until Bike Week 2024, taking place May 11-19! Check out all the great events happening throughout Co Meath.
Bicycle Hire
Shared Bike Scheme Launches in Navan – From today you’ll be able to get around Navan even more easily, with a Tier Mobility shared bike! Fifty bikes are available all around Navan – including 25 e-Bikes #NavanCycling #ActiveTravel
Read more on their website:
Cycle Week 2023
Navan Cycling Initiative host an 'Intro to the #BVLCGreenway' cycle, an inclusive family-friendly event for all, taking place on Sunday 14th May, along the new greenway in Navan.
Bike Week 2022, May 14th to 22nd, saw dozens of cyclists join the Family Cycle that started and ended at Buvinda House, Meath County Council.
To assist and present Johnstown at its best we litter picked, swept the cycle paths, and removed weeds from the kerbs of Bothar Sion.
New Cycle Opportunity
New to this year's Sunflower Trail Spun Cycles and Run have transformed the former Metges Road swimming pool into a very welcoming sight. As part of this year's 🌻 Trail you can take a family-friendly 🚴 following the cycle lanes and around the IDA.
We're very excited to hear that they're NOW offering bike hire which is great news if you've not got enough space at home to store a family collection of bikes.
Details in store or call them on 0469020478 and they specialise in Bike and Running sales and servicing including Ebikes.
In 2021 St Stephen's NS installed covered cycle bays, CnaMi Secondary schools has them years earlier, and both schools have local access via cycle lanes to Johnstown. Unfortunately, we still await cycle lanes beyond both St Martha's Bridge and along the R147, and also Kentstown Rd to connect with Navan Town schools.
Cycle parking is available at:
Buvinda House, Meath County Council
St Stephen's NS
Colaiste na Mi Secondary School
Johnstown Shopping Centre
Metges Road Entry
Car Park, Taylor's of Johnstown
2021: We hosted a stall at the Navan Cycling Initiative Bike Week Event at CnaMi Secondary School to help encourage cycling locally using our Sunflower Trail.
2020: We helped to promote the Navan Cycling Initiative Route Map that illustrates that Navan is quite within reach of even the average cyclist.
Open in full screen and use the Legend to activate many useful routes.
Many students and parents make the twice daily walk and it gets more popular and quicker each year compared to driving.
In Nov 2021 St Stephen's primary school initiated 'Walk on Wednesday' a part of their Transport Green Flag.
Walk On Wednesday's
This year St Stephens are working towards the fourth Green Schools flag, the travel flag.
The School has asked every child who can to take part in our W.O.W. days (Walk on Wednesdays). The great news is they can walk, cycle or scoot to school.
Wednesday the 24th of November will be the official launch of the school‘s very first W.O.W day. Throughout the year they want every Wednesday to be a W.O.W. day.
The children are working together to make the school a greener school.
Travel Safely!
The Green School Committee
Pre Covid other schools such as Gaelscoil Eanna, Trim Rd, hosted Walking Busses from Johnstown Shopping Centre organised by parents.
Sustainable Development Goals
This project has connections with the following categories: