Community Biodiversity Action Plan
Initiated 2022
For the past few years we've come to better understand the bigger picture when it comes to caring for our our environment but we've not had a masterplan. Now the opportunity has arisen to create one with expert help.
Johnstown & Biodiversity
The term 'Biodiversity' simply refers to the abundance and variety of living organisms within a given space but unfortunately, this has been declining in Johnstown over the centuries.
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Our suburban neighbourhood is now a typical Irish example of where once wild natural forests covered the land before farming practices cleared and planted monoculture crops. Roll forwards hundreds of years to the 1990's and residential developers poured concrete and tarmac roads, erected buildings, planted a few hundred trees, and laid acres of manicured grass lawns.
Glimpses of ancient native Ireland is now rare and it's therefore no surprise that the abundance of local natural flora, fauna, and wildlife that we see around us today are a far cry from what was once here. Unfortunately, we depend on other species to maintain our delicate ecosystem. We need them to create a healthy balance and so we really should be embracing them rather than keep destroying their homes.
What Do We Have?
Did you know that Johnstown is home to more than humans?
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We have woodlands, rivers, commercial, office, factory, and even farming areas within our residential neighbourhood it should mean that we also host a significant 'wild community' too. Many of us are completely unaware of the variety of species that live here with us. We've buzzards, bats, and swifts that you might not often see flying above us. The garden wild birds, bees, butterflies, and bugs are far easier to see than the otters, salmon, and trout in the river. There are countless worms and beetles burrowing in the soil, and there's also lichen, fungi, and mosses finding homes amongst our manicured gardens.
Are we all aware that every species plays a role in supporting our environment?
What We Do.
If you've followed environmental news for the past decade then you probably already know exactly what we should all be doing.
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Simply do fewer things that hurt our environment, and preferably completely stop, reverse, be kinder, and ultimately do better.
Our positive biodiversity actions don't actually cost money, in fact, most actions save considerable amounts of money and utilse free alternatives. If the community can stop harming the environment then mother nature will in return provide food, shelter, and safety for the other creatures that create our ecosystem. Our group intentionally does not create traditional planting, we won't promote neatly cut lawns, there'll be no more daffodils and tulips, we love weeds, and we don't think you should pressure hose lichen from concrete walls or floors. Our reasoning is that we think we can have a low 'negative' impact on our environment and produce wonderful features. Our projects tend to offer a restoring balance or have a healing effect on the ecosystem.
To highlight a few: our bridge flowers are now 100% pollinator friendly yet colourful and attractive, our summer meadows aim to create safety, food and shelter to insects, we brought some native wildflowers to a site previously sterilised by chemicals, we stopped the use of weedkiller by MCC in Johnstown. Our verge edging creates new soil, our sunflower trail is a closed loop project because every element provides an environmental function from birth to rebirth - seeds for wild birds, pollen for insects, stems and leaves for compost, and even the roots return nitrogen to the soil.
Promoting lifestyle changes is not going to appeal to everyone. Even when change costs less they are controversial because they go against decades of commercial marketing of false images and dominance over our natural environment and this will take time to overcome.
See our Planting and positive Initiatives for projects you can participate in.
Time Table
If you've been following our projects you'll see that there is a common thread even if there's not been a masterplan. The grant has enabled us to engage an ecologist to help uncover what exactly Johnstown currently has to offer and leads to a community action plan.
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January - Grant received. ✔️
February - Ecologist appointed. ✔️
March - Site walk with Ecologist completed ✔️
April and June - The Ecologist conducts surveys. ✔️
July - Feedback progress report to The Community Foundation Ireland ✔️
August - Meeting to discuss findings and devise a community action plan. ✔️
April - Report presentation to The Community Foundation Ireland. ✔️
May - Review recommendations and formulate action plans.
Johnstown Report
Produced by Ecologist Fintan Damer MSc. via a 2023 grant from The Community Foundation Ireland
Potential Actions
- Creation of Wildflower Meadows.
This action can be undertaken from this year as initially all that is involved is to delay hay mowing operations until as late in the season as possible. In subsequent years, sourcing local provenance seed and sowing will further enhance the botanical diversity. The introduction of Yellow Rattle and other semi-parasitic plants should be considered without delay, perhaps as early as Autumn 2024. Supplementing with additional native wildflower seed can be carried out in subsequent years. A target of a minimum of 10% of all green spaces to transitioned to permanent meadows should be scheduled to be achieved over a 5 year period.
Paused 2023
2. Creation of Pocket Woodlands and Parklets.
Planting can commence from winter 2024-2025. A schedule should be developed which will set out the areas to be targeted for planting each year for the next 5 years with a defined end goal of planting a minimum of 10% of all green spaces.
3. Bird Boxes.
Of particular use in Johntown is the number of large public building that could be utilised for the erection of swift boxes and House Martin artificial nest cups. These could include any two-story building for House Martins and 3 storey buildings or greater for Swift boxes. Details of requirement can be found in Appendix I.
4. Dealing with Invasive Non-Natives.
The extent of and range of invasive species and the difficulty with eradicating many of them, would probably render most of the application needed to deal with these beyond the capabilities of well-meaning community groups. This is particularly the case with Japanese knotweed or Winter heliotrope which require herbicide treatment. There are however some that could be tackled. These include Himalayan Balsam, Snowberry and Few flowered Garlic. This is best achieved by organising specific community event where people can be provided with the tools required and the know-how from a qualified ecologist on site with knowledge of dealing with the eradication of a range of invasives. This will likely be an ongoing project and will require repeat checking to ensuring regeneration is not occurring. Consult all of the following before taking any actions:
5. Ongoing Monitoring and Ecological Surveying.
Over time habitats change and the species that exist in them will change too. To be able to track the positive or potentially negative changes, it is important to carry out repeat surveys. Botanic surveys are the most important as they are often indicative of the overall health of a habitat. However, consideration should also be given to conducting periodic bird, bat and invertebrate surveys. Surveys should be carried out at a minimum of once every 5 years for each species type. This could be achieved in rotation rather than all having to be carried out in a single year.
6. Use of educational signage.
This action is important for the education of the community on the ecological actions that are taking place, on the biodiversity that the Johnstown can support, and on why it is important. Where each new action is undertaken, it is important to highlight with signage. E.g., creation of each new wildflower meadow or pocket woodlands, etc. Information signage on the range of plants, birds and insects that have been recorded is also valuable. This will be an ongoing action. Template can be downloaded from . Persistent replacement of damaged or vandalised signage is essential to promote a full and permanent understanding of biodiversity and its importance.
7. Erection of bat boxes.
Although there is likely good roosting habitat available for bats in the mature and over-mature trees in Athlumney Wood, it would be beneficial to have artificial roost boxes also. Should any of the existing mature or over-mature trees collapse, it would be advantageous to affix boxes to healthy trees to provide alternative roost sites. These should be positioned in trees along the woodland edges, a minimum of 4m high and facing outward. Mature trees present in the IDA Business Park and on the buildings themselves, could also be selected as bat box locations with similar siting criteria. Resources on bat boxes can be found in Appendix II.
Action Plan
We plan to engage with local schools and community groups to locate sites and create a 5 year plan to action the recommendations.