5 Sustainability – Doing more with less
Being able to repeat a wortwhile activity is important but it's essential not to do something now that limits future generations from having the same opportunities.
The competition asks us to demonstrate how we are reducing our negative impact on the environment.
Our Goals
2019 to 2022/23
Expand each section to read more.
Competition Guide Notes:
Describe how your activities help to make your centre more sustainable and reduce your environmental impact. For example, consider how you use your resources (e.g. methods or materials you use), in your project work under one or more of the following key themes: sustainability, water, transport, waste, energy, and climate action. Describe awareness raising activities carried out across your community and detail any involvement with other Community Groups in this category.
- Encourage and promote schools and sports clubs to recycle out grown uniforms and kit.
2022 & 23
Promote local clubs offering pre loved sports kit bring and buy ✔️
Masks4All create facemasks for Volunteers ✔️
Promote pre-loved school uniform Johnstown Facebook page ✔️
2. Promote the donation and collection of clothing for the homeless / families in need.
Assisted in the Johnstown Ukraine Appeal to collect hundreds of items of clothing. ✔️
Engage with SleepOut Cavan to donate clothes who directly supply the homeless and offer clothing for €5 to support their work.✔️
Engaged with The Ardboyne Hotel to be the recipient of any left/ abandoned clothing.✔️
Inner City Helping Homeless Charity closed Nov 2021 and we assisted relocating clothing to others.✔️
Continue, connect with large organisations/businesses to donate. ✔️
Engaged with The Newgrange Hotel to be the recipient of any left/ abandoned clothing.✔️
Connect with Inner City Helping Homeless and implement regular collections ✔️
3. Promote Grow Your Own
Engage with local garden shop to promote GYO
Promoted growing sunflowers as part of the Johnstown Sunflower Trail, engaged 4 local schools to germinate 1,400 seeds.✔️
Distributed 60 compost bags together with organic fertiliser to 4 local schools, several residents groups, and Walterstown GFC✔️
Distributed 400 11ltr plastic pots amongst the community, all saved from landfill by a local gardening shop.✔️
Promote Sustainable Gardening workshop. ✔️
Promoted growing sunflowers as part of the Johnstown Sunflower Trail, engaged St Stephens NS to germinate the seeds.
Promote Meath County Council's Stop Food Waste initiative. ✔️
Introduce Chives, Thyme and strawberries to Bridge Planters and re-home in Athlumney Hall verge in autumn. ✔️
4. Long term planting beds
Identify more areas
Engage with 4 Estates who have entry signs on Metges Road without any planting.✔️
Funding received to continue proposal to host a pilot planting at the Athlumney Hall Bus Stop.✔️
Continued the perennial planting at St Martha's Bridge Display to allow us to extend the planting at Athlumney Hall Fruit and Herb Verge ✔️
Request funding from Meath Community Grant to introduce planting at bus stops ✔️
Continued the perennial planting at St Martha's Bridge Display to allow us to extend the planting at Athlumney Hall Fruit and Herb Verge ✔️
Implement a quick win project to draw attention to potential sites ✔️
Encourage the use of perennial plants, to limit biennials and avoid annuals. ✔️
- Promote the use of rain water harvesting
Re-survey households for rainwater harvesting and implement a bulk purchase.
Increase rainwater bank for public project areas.
Research and apply for grant to purchase another rainwater buggy. ✔️
Promote Rainwater Harvesting, utilise portable rainwater buggy. ✔️
Old Johnstown Village Community Group installed rainwater harvesting for planting areas. ✔️
Promote rainwater harvesting. ✔️
Utilise well water from Navan RFC for bridge flower planters. ✔️
Create portable rain butt buggy for bridge flower basket. ✔️
Survey potential demand for a bulk purchase for residents. ✔️
Harvested Water Bank created at 3 homes, total 1000ltr, to sustain the bridge flower planters. ✔️
2. All planting projects to incorporate water conservation principles.
2022 & 23
Research planters for Johnstown Shopping Centre ✔️
Increase the use of alpine planting to reduce water requirements.
Increase the use of herbs that don't require as much water.✔️
Increase the use of mulch ✔️
Utilise water funnels for planting projects ✔️
More herbs and 'less thirsty' plants to be used in display. ✔️
Sunflower trail to use recycled plastic drinks bottles to water roots. ✔️
Spent compost to be collected and used as mulch. ✔️
Reduce 'water hungry' plants in St Martha's Bridge baskets, promote that they have water reservoirs. ✔️
3. Raise awareness of our community polluting the River Boyne through litter & chemicals.
Annual clean of St Martha's Bridge without chemicals ✔️
Implement a riverside clean up ✔️
St Martha's Bridge Clean without chemicals ✔️
Stop Weedkiller Use project ✔️
Advertise the riverside trail collections to draw attention of littering. ✔️
- Walking
Encourage School parents to form Walking Buses.
St Stephens gains Green School Transport Flag and encourages 'Walk On Wednesdays'.✔️
Promote local walking routes ✔️
St Stephens Green School Transport Flag implements an initiative to 'Walk On Wednesdays'. ✔️
Promote local walking routes ✔️
Promote local walking routes ✔️
Encourage School parents to form Walking Buses. ✔️
2. Cycle
Encourage School parents to form Cycle Buses.
Engage new cycle shop in offering cycling proficiency lessons in People's Park / Schools.
Promote Bike Week (May) ✔️
Participate in Navan Cycling Initiative Bike Fest (May) ✔️
Cleaned the route in preparation for Family Cycle Event ✔️
Promote and participate in Navan Cycling Initiative Bike Fest (Nov) and Family Cycle Event ✔️
Engage with the new Johnstown cycle shop to promote local cycling ✔️
St Stephens gains covered cycle parking shelter.✔️
Promote NCI Cycle network map ✔️
Engage with Navan Cycling Initiative (NCI) to promote Family Cycle Event ✔️
Identify local cycle parking ✔️
3. Bus
Identify and promote private school bus operators to reduce number of cars used.
Bothar Sion gains another covered bus shelter.✔️
Johnstown bus stops become more accessible to the disabled. ✔️
Submit proposal to MCC to enhance appearance of bus stops ✔️
Promote new local bus routes ✔️
Request all bus stops have current timetables and clear route markings ✔️
4. Car
2022 & 23
Encourage School parents to carpool
Identify Electric Car Charge Points
Identify a local car dealer to promote all-electric vehicles.
Investigate potential for car emissions study with local school, NCI, and Meath County Council ✔️
Promote alternative options to car use for school students. ✔️
- Promote better public waste segregation and recycling bins.
2022 & 23
Request segregated public bins at Johnstown Shopping Centre, 3 local schools.
Request recycling banks at Johnstown Shopping Centre Car Park
Join Council's Green Km Initiative. ✔️
Request public waste bins for all bus stops via Meath County Council ✔️
Maintain local recycling facilities guide map. ✔️
2. Raise awareness of reduced plastic use, packaging, and promote reuse.
2022 & 23
Promote segregation of litter
Promote recycling newspapers to create plant pots. ✔️
Raise awareness of items that can be recycled ✔️
Designate Johnstown as a Plastic Election Poster Free Zone, register with PosterFree.ie ✔️
3. Implement waste segregation for litter pickers
2022 & 23
Obtain more litter bag holders and encourage use.
Research and pilot mobile trolley for litter segregation.
Obtain more litter bag holders and encourage use. ✔️
Research and pilot litter bag holders to segregate waste. ✔️
Pilot segregating waste after litter pick ✔️
4. Promote, in association with local business, the use of reusable coffee and water bottles using campaigns such as Conscious Cups and refill.ie
Target Navan Rugby Club, Johnstown Football Club, Navan Tennis Club, and the Local Schools.
Opportunity to produce branded reusable cups for Navan.
Engaged with Walterstown GFC to dissuade them from implementing branded compostable cups for their cafe in favour of a deposit and return scheme such as GoCup.ie. ✔️
Requested that Navan Rugby Club promote the use of reuseable cups and ban the use of single use plastic bottles on their grounds. ✔️
Walterstown GFC ban single use containers. ✔️
Promote Edible Coffee Cup ✔️
Promote 2 New vending machines offering reusable glass bottles for locally produced milk ✔️
Survey local take away outlets, promote conscious cup campaign and the use of reusable cups. ✔️
5. Implement a community composting facility
Engage Johnstown School Campus in the potential to host a grass and leaf composting area.
Engage the future 'Community Centre' for a community composting area
Engage Walterstown GFC
'Summer Meadows' and leaf collection proposal for composting on their grounds.
Continue the 'Stop Weedkiller Action Project' compost facility. ✔️
Engage Walterstown GFC with our 'Stop Weedkiller Action Project' by hosting a compost facility. ✔️
Identify composting opportunities to recycle public area material. ✔️
6. Encourage Dog Owners to be responsible.
Meath County Council install pavement stamps to remind owners to be responsible.✔️
Notify Meath County Council of littering hot spots in the IDA ✔️
Promote responsible dog ownership ✔️
Installed 4 dog poo bag dispensers around Johnstown Peoples Park and dozens of street signs. ✔️
7. Upcycle / Re Use Projects
Seek out new opportunities
Both St Mary's Special School and Colaiste Na Mi Secondary school created art from collected plastic bottle tops.
Re use turf cut from verge cutting to repair ground damaged by weedkiller use ✔️
3 tonnes of soil donated from a resident used in the Athlumney Hall Verge.✔️
Saved from landfill by The Grow Shop and either distributed amongst the community or used in our planting:
120 bags of compost ✔️
bags of perlite ✔️
600 plastic 11ltr plant pots ✔️
A few tons of LECA mixed with coconut husk ✔️
Several ltrs of organic fertiliser.✔️
300 plastic drink bottles turned into funnels for plant watering ✔️
300 sheets of newspaper created sunflower plant pots ✔️
1 ton of soil donated from a resident was used in the JPP planting.✔️
C na Mi Secondary School Christmas tree upcycle project ✔️
Regular second-hand clothing collections for the homeless in connection with Inner City Helping Homeless Charity. ✔️
Relocate Bridge plants to develop a planting area. ✔️
Host regular second-hand clothing collections for the homeless in connection with Inner City Helping Homeless Charity. ✔️
8. Donate a plant / tree initiative
2022 & 23
Dozens of strawberry plants grown by a resident held from 2021 to plant in the Athlumney Hall Verge.✔️
Plants were donated by several garden retailers;
100+ geraniums used in the Bothar Sion Fence✔️
Dozens of annual bedding plants - given to volunteers.✔️
3 Tree's rehomed in the Boyne Estate ✔️
Two large 'spiky' plants donated from local resident now deter unwanted anti-social gatherings around the street sign in Athlumney Abbey ✔️
An appeal for spent compost resulted in enough collected to mulch around the 17 horse chestnut saplings on Bailis Downs Green. ✔️
Application made for MCC Tree planting initiative ✔️
Application made to the Wild About Navan Dispersed Urban Orchard project ✔️
17 Horse chestnut trees planted in Bailis Downs Estate ✔️
1. Lighting
2022 & 23
Investigate Street Lighting
Promote low energy LED bulbs. ✔️
2. Support the Johnstown Community Magazine www.JohnstownTimes.com with articles raising awareness of energy savings in the home.
4. Green Schools projects
Engage with our 2 local schools to promote/assist with their next Flag
Engaged with St Stephens NS to support their Transport Flag✔️
Engaged with St Marys Special School to support their Biodiversity Flag✔️
Re engage with schools to participate in scheme ✔️
5. Energy Grants
2022 & 23
Encourage home owners to make changes ✔️
Promote Government schemes and initiatives ✔️
Climate Change
- Attend Workshops, Join Local groups.
Tree week online webinars (March) ✔️
Biodiversity Week online webinars (May) ✔️
Solas Glan Fruit Tree Workshop (April) ✔️
Solas Glan Fruit Tree Workshop (Nov) ✔️
Meath CC Sustainable Gardening Course (Feb Mar) ✔️
Meath PPN Sustainable Development Goals workshop (March) ✔️
Meath PPN Climate Conversation (2th March) ✔️
Tidy Towns and links to the Sustainability Goals (March 10th) ✔️
Attended MCC Climate Change workshop 25th January Buvinda House, Navan ✔️
Attended Meath PPN Climate Academy workshop ✔️
Attended Tidy Towns Conference, Trim (29th Feb) ✔️
Attended BeeWise Build a bird box, bug hotel and the story of honey (Spring) ✔️
Attended the Dalgan Park Meath PPN Environmental Plenary for Climate Change and Biodiversity talks (May 11th). ✔️
2. Implement pollinator planting projects.
Encourage Old Johnstown Community Group to implement similar displays and to stop using bedding plants.
Introduce 'advertising' box planters at Johnstown Shopping Centre
Implement summer meadows ✔️
Implement six-week cut lawn management ✔️
Sunflower Trail 2022: include homegrown seeds, Water funnels, harvested rainwater, harvest the seeds for food / feed the wild birds / eat, compost on completion and reuse the following year. ✔️
St Martha's Bridge planter displays: 80% pollinator friendly plants that can be re-homed in Athlumney Hall verge. Planters have water reservoir supplied by rainwater harvesting buggy ✔️
Sunflower Trail: homegrown seeds, Water funnels, harvested rainwater, newspaper pots, harvest seeds, compost on completion. ✔️
Cut public verges, collect weeds and compost. Utilise compost created the previous year. ✔️
Promote joining and recording actions on the National Pollinator Plan ✔️
Pilot Sunflower project ✔️
Pilot Stop Weedkiller use by cutting verges and collecting weeds for composting, reuse composted soil 12mths later. ✔️
St Marthas's Bridge planter displays: Incorporate 50% pollinator friendly plants that can be re-homed in Athlumney Hall verge, remainder to be composted, Planters have water reservoir supplied by rainwater harvesting buggy / Navan RFC well water. ✔️