Tree Pruning
Initiated 2018
Professional Branching Works
MCC contractors removed more substantial low branches in estates previously 'taken in charge' such as Bailis Downs and Athlumney Wood in January.
Pedestrian hazard along the West side JPP pavement.
Feb 25th
The path outside the JPP NW entry was heavily overgrown with Common Dogwood (Cornus Sanguinea) Midwinter Fire poking out at eye level was cut back.
Feb 25th
Brambles had also thrown out thorny shoots to pose a real hazard to pedestrians.
Overgrown Lime Tree causing issues in the Priory Estate
Feb 25th
Before: Overgrown and damaged lime tree with invasive growth into the verge.
Feb 25th
Unmanaged Lime trees, recently damaged by youths climbing and tearing branches, were severely cut back to allow more biodiversity friendly plants to reoccupy the space.
Feb 25th
Dogwood and several lime tree saplings had overrun the verge.
March 4th
Tree cuttings were collected and stacked conveniently for MCC to collect and mulch.
Pruning tree branches is not something our members had considered because of the dangers involved. However, trimming low branches from ground level can be done quickly, easily, and safely. It was implemented because a group member with vision impairment kept knocking into low branches near his home and the cost of hiring a tree surgeon is prohibitively high.
Our request for financial aid happened to coincide with Meath County Council's initiative to 'Keep Pavements Clear' of obstructions and we received a €500 MCC grant to prune trees throughout Johnstown.
After instruction by Works tree surgeons on the proper technique of pruning low branches members spent 4 weekends over winter removing dozens of offending branches.
2018, Before pruning low level branches
2018, After pruning the avenue.
One of five stacks of collected material
Collection by TreeworX Tree Surgeons
Sustainable Development Goals
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