Upcoming Activities 2024 

Discover what we have planned for each month and let us know if you would like to help us.

To join in simply get in touch and we'll connect you with an activity group.



Hedgerow Survey

Johnstown hosts many kilometres of hedgerow but we don't have this recorded and we don't know what we have. We do know that hedgerows play a vital role in offering wildlife food, shelter and safety. Help us to uncover more about Johnstown's biodiversity.

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Wildflower Survey

We'd like to discover what native Irish flowers are growing both wild and in our wildflower displays. Here's a short visual guide to help and please do send in photos of your sightings.

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Tree Survey

Winter is a great time to more easily identify evergreen trees, Spring flowers make some standout, in Summer it's the leaves and bark, and in Autumn there's often fruits to tell us more.

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Pollinator Survey

Social media request for residents to take note of what they see and to record these sightings on pollinators.ie


Pavement Weeding

The weeds constantly reappear in our pavements, cycle lanes, and roadside. We manually remove those that would otherwise be chemically treated by the Council.

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Pavement Verge Edging

As part of our Green Km Initiative with Meath County Council we will resume edging pavement verges. This removes the need for chemical weed killer and creates a neat finish.

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Litter Picking

Unfortunately this job never ends. If you can spare the time we will provide gloves, litter pickers, waste bags, and even dispose of the litter collected.

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Remove Graffiti

Whenever and wherever graffiti appears we need to act quickly to remove it before it embeds itself in the surface material.

Please report any new graffiti.

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Clear The Clutter

A purge to review anything that needs fixing or removal in public spaces. This includes redundant, incorrect, or dirty street signage and items will be submitted to the Council for action.

Requests already made in 2022 to MCC: 


Food Hampers

Every Saturday lunchtime we are delivering to families in need.

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Navan Outreach

Helping those homeless in the Navan neighbourhood.

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Clothing Collection

If you have pre-loved clothing you can donate to us for the disadvantaged in Ireland.

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Tidy Towns Judging

An unannounced visit is expected from the Judges to see our entries for 2023 to 2024.

See our Entry

Pride of Place Judging.

We have the opportunity to present Johnstown to visiting Judges to see our entries for 2023 to 2024.

See our Entry


August Blitz

Summer Meadow Maintenance

It's easy to let estate grass lawns grow long but they need to be presented well throughout the year.

We need volunteers with petrol lawnmowers who live close to any of the current sites to get in touch. The aim is to maintain a neat perimeter around these areas and to remove any litter or problem weeds.

Promote Heritage Week.