Tidy Towns

Joined in 2016

Tidy Towns has become one of the largest environmental and social responsibility movements in Ireland. The 'Competition' element is a challenge to the nation to raise the bar, strive for the best, bring people together, make positive things happen, encourage best practices, share knowledge, develop ideas, and enhance all aspects of the community.


Overall Growth

Points awarded for our entries to date..Both our 2018 and 2021 entries awarded the Most Improved Group in County Meath. 

At 273 points we are not too far off the County's average score of 300 points.

8 Marking Categories

In 2022 the scoring system increased by 80 points which explains the % fluctuations in some categories

Each scoring category is slowly improving and we don't expect a huge annual point increase, 

County Meath Comparison

Blank bars represent the last score of the groups that didn't enter in 2024.

In 2024 each County Meath group typically received a 10-point increase.

Judge's Report

Each Summer the competition judges arrive unannounced to secretly review our entry submission. The published reports provide focus and help improve our Goals and Project plans. 

Report Summary