Wildflower Seeds

Initiated 2020

Unlike creating a natural meadow sowing from seed packets produces flowers in the first season. We have no intention of creating large scale meadows and although it is much more preferable for mother nature to source local wildflower seeds the time required to achieve this isn't always a viable option. Changing public opinion on hosting annual plants in displays can however be overcome with the 'kerb appeal' of native wildflowers.

Irish Seeds For Ireland

We live on an island and therefore the flower species here are unique to Ireland. To preserve this we made a conscious decision to only sow Native Irish Wildflower Seeds in our planting sites. If the seed packet doesn't specifically state that they are 'Native Irish Wildflower Seeds' we ask you not to grow them in your garden, or anywhere in Ireland.

After reviewing the pollinatorplan.ie articles advocating not to sow any wildflower seeds in favour of natural local wildflowers we have ceased future plans to use any seed packets. 

Our Wildflower Flowering Guide

Check out the flowering chart and illustrations to see what we're expecting to bloom in the coming season. 

Sowing Locations

Bailis Downs Fence Line on Bothar Sion opposite the Johnstown Shopping Centre was our pilot site in Autumn 2020, 

People's Park Southern entry was sown in Spring 2021.